Libology Blog (ISSN: 1946-1852) started out as the blog in July 2006, changing its location and name in July 2008.
This blog is maintained by Rick Mason, founder of LibrarySupportStaff.Org and Libology. He has worked as support staff since 1993, and is especially interested in the potential of libraries, technology, and people to work together to get information to those who need it the most. Libology reflects his interests, ideas, and hopes.
He received the Academic Library Association of Ohio‘s Support Staff Interest Group (SSIG) Support Staff Award of Excellence for 2009. This honor is given to one Ohio support staff each year:
“The recipient of this award will be a person who shows excellence in job performance and has the ability to work with staff and patrons. The person must be willing to grow in a support staff position by attending or presenting at workshops and conferences, taking classes or being published. The person must also be active in library association(s.)”