The Library 101 video debuted today at the Internet Librarian conference. Created by Michael Porter (a.k.a. Libraryman) and David Lee King, the video is a foot-tapping, library-rocking tour-de-force. Clear the next eight minutes in your schedule, put on some headphones, and enjoy: Library 101 website not only has the video, but also a collection of essays by prominent library supporters, as well as a “101 Resources and Things to Know” page that provides a great overview of just what they are striving to communicate.
To settle any bar bets, as well as disclose a connection: I am in the video. I first appear at the 30 second mark (though all you see is my arm and notebook computer), but show up later in full frame.
My using the computer for the “1” and “0” was the solution to a problem: when the call went out for pictures of library people holding sheets of paper containing the magic numbers, I was on vacation in Branson, Missouri. No printer. I could probably have found a Kinkos, but it wouldn’t have gone over well with my family because, you see, I was on vacation. Drawing the numbers might have worked for someone with artistic talent; not for me.
I really like my idea of using the computer… it fits the theme of the video:
So, I hope you watched and enjoyed the video… Michael and David deserve some serious positive feedback for their ideas and efforts.