Over the past couple of weeks, I have been making some changes to the Scriblio installation on Libology.
The improved:
- I installed the Pop Blue theme, mainly because I didn’t like the way the default Scriblio theme used screen space. I like the layout, but need to format the content sections in the search results pages, as it looks more like gibberish than holdings information.
- I upgraded WordPress to the current version. This would have been done several weeks ago, except that the database is so large that I had to experiment with a wide variety of backup processes before finding one that worked.
- The facets work! Yea!
The not-improved:
- It is still slow, slow, slow. I was talking with a database programmer over the weekend, and she confirmed my guess that it is probably an indexing issue. Now to figure out the details…
- Book covers are gone with the upgrade, even though the placeholders are still there. I haven’t spent any time figuring out why.
I am a little happier, but still wouldn’t consider using this as a replacement for my work’s OPAC. Time and effort will tell. I am learning a lot, which was the point all along.