How to be “famous”

I occasionally point out something that Karen Schneider writes, and this post will link to another example of her writing.

One of the things I really enjoy about her blog is that she, like Jessamyn (part of my inspiration for starting this blog), tries to be straightforward about her views and ideas regarding libraries.  They know that they aren’t perfect, and they know that the rest of us aren’t as well, and they go on to create wonderful, informative posts that feel like you are conversing with them between sessions at your favorite conference.

This particular post, titled How to be “famous” (wink wink, nudge nudge) is a week old, and by some magic involving RSS, the internet, and some type of little creatures that occasionally capture e-mails and blog posts to play with before passing them along, I didn’t get it in my feed until tonight.  It is a great example of her style, which passes along information that we all can benefit from as we make our way through libraryland.

Remember that, even if you aren’t well known, people do look to you for guidance – even if they are looking at your entire workplace for that guidance.  We all set examples, and we all have the power and ability to make better choices and to make life better for those around us, even if only indirectly.  I suspect that it is easy to forget how much influence we really have on others.

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One Response to How to be “famous”

  1. kgs says:

    My apologies — I tried to set the post to publish tomorrow morning and instead gave it a publishing date of last week, when I first drafted it. That’s what I get for watching TV and blogging. 🙂 Thanks for the analysis and link love!

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