This isn’t directly related to libraries, and even the indirect aspect only applies to larger libraries, or libraries within larger institutions, but I thought there were some points of interest in this blog post from an anti-Google blog.
Of special interest to me is how Google handles their IT issues (near the end of the post). They have a local IT person (one per floor, it seems) who handles initial troubleshooting, updating and changing equipment, and other tech-related issues. This looks like a very flexible and quick system to get people what they need to keep working effectively. I have lost count how many times something like this would have been beneficial for a workplace.
Some of the gripes (office space, management structure, insurance) could be a reflection of what that particular employee values in their work experience. They could also reflect growing pains on Google’s part, so I leave it to the reader to decide where they would prefer to work, or at least which of these ideas could be applied to your library.
found on Search Engine Land